
30 Search Results for cloud

Solving the Challenges of Records Retention in the Cloud

The various issues to consider when looking at records storage in the cloud don’t end with just the legal issues – you must also address the question of records retention. Specifically, how the cloud affects your ability to retain and dispose of records in accordance with the law and any other applicable guidelines. The cloud is simply another option for the storage of your records, and as such, the same basic retention requirements apply. This means your move to the cloud needs to be underpinned by a comprehensive and well-researched records retention policy.Read More

Avoiding a Legal Storm When Storing Records in the Cloud

In the context of electronic records, cloud storage offers equal measures of potential and pitfall. Initially, the idea that your electronic records will be stored off site in a virtual environment made up of networked computers takes a bit of getting used to. Once the concept is familiar, the appeal of storing records in the cloud becomes clear. Specifically, cheap, off-site digital storage that never needs to be maintained and grows effortlessly as your storage needs grow. However, every records manager worth his or her salt will inevitably ask the million-dollar question: does cloud record storage jive with our legal obligations for records management?Read More

How to effectively manage a shared drive: Part 2

In our last blog post we shared four initial steps to help you optimize the use of your shared drives. These first steps involved creating an information framework, designing the folder structure and establishing user permissions. From there, we were able to implement the new structure on the shared drive itself. However, before your new structure is ready for prime time, you’ll need to take care of a few additional steps.Read More

How to effectively manage a shared drive: Part 1

Shared drives are like gardens. If you don’t tend them, they become overgrown, weedy, and not as productive as they could be. If you’ve been meaning to tackle your unruly shared drive, this blog post offers a clear path to getting it back on track.Read More

Dealing with large documents… 4 steps to sanity

If your organization relies on regular access to large documents, you’ll know what a headache they can be to manage. From blueprints and schematic diagrams to maps and historic records, large documents are harder to store, harder to access and harder to share. These challenges often lead to significant business inefficiencies that can hamper growth and productivity. This blog post covers four steps that you can take to help manage your large documents and eliminate these headaches.Read More

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