Our most popular resources the past month address key challenges with both electronic and physical records.
Our first resource provides a framework to help you determine if document imaging is right for your organization. We also have a white paper that talks about the best approach to metrics in an electronic document and records management system. Finally, we offer several tips to help you reduce offsite storage costs.
Need to demonstrate ROI and business value for your EDRMS? The key lies in generating “better” metrics that are tied to business objectives. This resource shows you how to do that with an easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide. |
This is essential reading if your organization is considering digital imaging as part of your RM program. Find out if imaging is right for you, how quickly you can expect to see ROI, and what goes into a successful project. |
We’ve put together three tips to help your organization reduce your offsite storage expenditure. We’ll look in depth at: - The role of retention schedules
- Conducting records purges and offsite box audits
- Optimizing on-site storage potential
Next Steps |