Top Records and Information Management Blogs – Part 4
April 2014 is Records and Information Management Month. In honor of that, TAB is publishing a four-part series on the top blogs in records and information management. On the final day of RIM month, we look at the best regional RIM blogs and the top RIM blogs from the U.S. federal government.
Across the nation and around the world, records management associations and communities are thriving. The vitality of these groups is reflected in a number of excellent blogs from regional RIM associations, the U.S. federal government and RIM practitioners abroad. Whether you are looking for insights on a regional, national or international level, our final installment of the best RIM blogs is a great pace to start.
The Best Regional Records Management Blogs
- Records About The World, with insights about managing information from an Australian RIM professional.
- Future Proof – Protecting our digital future, a government RM blog from Australia.
- Salt Lake County Archives, an official archives blog from Utah.
- TFPL Blog, a UK-based knowledge management and records management blog.
- SLA: Connecting People and Information, a blog from the New Jersey chapter of the Special Libraries Association.
- New York History, featuring historical news from the empire state.
- The G.S. 132 Files, the official Records Management blog of the State Archives of North Carolina.
- The Texas Record, published by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
- Records Keepers – Utah State Archives, a blog by the Utah government records service.
- ARMAzonan, the official blog of the Arizona chapter of ARMA.
- ARMA Edmonton Chapter Blog
- Nebraska ARMA Chapter Blog
- OCARMA, the official blog of the Orange County Chapter of ARMA International.
- Greater Seattle Chapter of ARMA blog
- The National Archives Blog, the official blog of the world-renowned National Archives in the United Kingdom.
Records management blogs from the U.S. Federal Government
- NARAtions, the official blog of the United States National Archives.
- Records Express, the official blog of the Office of the Chief Records Officer at the National Archives.
- NDC Blog, published by the National Declassification Center.
- Transforming Classification, a blog by the Public Interest Declassification Board.
Top Blog Highlight:
Managing Records in Mobile Environments: Addressing Records Management Implications
Records Express
In this post, the Records Express policy team outlines the steps required to successfully manage records in the era of the mobile workforce.
Next Steps
- For more great RIM blogs, see our full list of the best records management blogs.
- Is something missing? If you know of a top RIM blog that should be included in our list, please let us know!
- Contact us for help with your records management challenges.