
Learn How to Save Money in Records Management

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Cost savings is one of the most common themes in our discussions with records management colleagues. Requirements and expectations only ever grow, while budgets remain fixed, and often inadequate.

Our recent toolkit offers four resources that help you create a well-supported, effective RIM program that will help save money for the organization.

The toolkit includes the following resources:

1. Guide: How to Save Money With Records Management

We created this resource to help you realize savings and efficiencies in three main areas: physical storage space, staff productivity, and corporate risk.

2. Whitepaper: Eight Tips for Getting Corporate Buy-In on Your Records Management Program

Want to get corporate buy-in for your records management program?  Following these tips will help you get you what you need, including annual budget dollars to continue offering existing resources and service levels.

3. Guide: Demonstrating Return-on-Investment for Records Management Initiatives

This guide offers a strategy for demonstrating records management’s ROI based on hard and soft dollar revenue flows, reduced risk and improved long-term returns.

4. Guide: 7 Tips for Developing an Effective Records Management Policy

RM policies—they make the difference between an effective program and a set of binders gathering dust on the shelf. This guide offers 7 great tips you can use in developing an effective RM policy.

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