Get Records Ready for M&As: 5 Ways TAB Can Help
When it comes to a merger or acquisition, how records are managed can affect the success of the transaction. Here are 5 ways we can help.
Managing this critical step in the transaction process can be resource-intensive and requires deep expertise in records management. The good news: any M&A situation, regardless of which side of the deal you are on or where you are in the transaction, is also an opportunity to improve your records management function across the board.
So what can TAB do to help your organization in an M&A situation? Here are five things:
1) Complete Records Inventory
Whether your organization is the one buying or selling, it is critical to know what you have in terms of physical and electronic records inventory, and what your potential deal partner actually has as well. We can conduct a records inventory assessment on both sides to create a complete picture. This process will assist in:
- Defining what both parties have
- Determining the completeness of records
- Evaluating how both records management systems can be integrated to put information on a common, efficient platform
- Determining which assets are part of the sale and which aren’t
- Identifying potential efficiencies
Assessing records inventory is beneficial because it helps mitigate the inherent risk of the transaction: it makes what is being sold easily identifiable, facilitates an easier acquisition and integration process, and enables the buyer to ramp up quickly post-transaction and start recognizing ROI.
2) Additional Personnel
Acquiring or divesting records collection requires unique skills. TAB has Project Managers, Consultants and specific staff with extensive experience assisting organizations in the M&A process. Whether you need temporary assistance before or during the transaction, or need permanent staff post-acquisition, we can help.
3) Real Estate Facilities
Mergers and acquisitions often demand a third-party location be set up for record assets, and in some locations TAB offers real estate facilities that can be used throughout a transaction. Early in the M&A process, we can provide space for potential buyers to view physical or electronic record assets in a secure environment. Post-acquisition, our facilities provide the necessary space and resources for file conversion and integration into a combined records collection.
4) Records Integration Planning
Bringing different records collections together can test even the most seasoned RM professional. If it isn’t done correctly, the impact, from lost efficiency to risk exposure, can be significant.
TAB can help you successfully integrate new records by:
- Ensuring a standard classification system and filing structure is in place
- Working with file users to create a file standard
- Conducting document level conversions within the file to meet that standard
- Applying all of the above to electronic documents
- Imaging paper-based records and converting to electronic for efficiency
- Training staff on the new formats and standards
This ensures that your knowledge workers have fast, efficient access to the information they need, where and when they need it.
5) Information Transfer
Once you have made an acquisition, will you have room for the records that come along with it? We have expertise integrating acquired records into a buyer’s space. Our records set-up and integration best practices cover physical moving, resource planning (including personnel), on site imaging services, filing equipment and supplies for physical records to ensure the transfer is smooth and efficient.
Next Steps
- Find out how TAB helped a leading energy company handle 100 acquisitions a year
- Get our M&A best practices guide
If you are currently in a merger or acquisition, or anticipate one in the future, talk to us. Whatever side of the deal you are on, we can help make it a success.