
Physical filing

Get better at file tracking

How much time do you spend trying to find files? How often does an all staff email go out requesting a file that may or may not have been checked out? When you can’t get at your business information in a timely fashion, you are at a disadvantage with respect to your competition. It really is that simple.Read More

A Paperless Office might be impossible, but you can go “Paperlite”

Unless printers become obsolete, eliminating paper from offices will continue to be a challenge. That means records managers will have to contend with the storage costs, extended retrieval times, and access concerns associated with these documents for some time yet. Even if you can’t go entirely paperless, you can put the processes in place to […]Read More

TAB Records Centers Help You Manage Your Business, Not Just Your Records

Records managers overseeing off-site files need more than just storage for those records—those records need to be actively managed in order for organizations to run smoothly. As experts with deep experience in records management, TAB Records Centers are dedicated exclusively to doing just that, offering efficient support of your daily operations with services that go […]Read More

3 Eco-Friendly RM Tips That Could Save You Money

Many organizations are discovering first-hand that good environmental practices are good for business. From the cost savings associated with resource conservation to the slightly less tangible benefits of increased consumer and shareholder confidence, protecting the environment can translate into an improved bottom line.Read More

To Centralize or Not to Centralize?

It’s one of the most common issues in records management. And while every storage situation is unique, a file centralization project can bring tremendous return on investment. How? By introducing these 4 key advantages outlined in this blog post.Read More